Neighborhood Drive-Thru of Community Organizations & First Responders
registration and information
For Spirit of Beacon Day this year, instead of the traditional Parade on Main Street there will be a Vehicle Only Drive-Thru which will travel through the neighborhood streets.
Folks in Beacon will be able to safely watch and cheer on the Vehicles from their home, lawn or front porch with their families. Please join us by registering a vehicle to represent your organization in the Drive-Thru.
DATE / TIME : Sunday Sept 27th. Lineup time is 11.45am and Drive-Thru between around 12 noon - 2pm, exact time TBD.
Where do we line up? : There will be a four locations where groups / caravans of cars will meet before driving through the neighborhoods. Once registrations have been received, you will be informed of your exact line-up location and which group / caravan you will be traveling with.
What kind of vehicles are allowed? : Cars, Pick-up Trucks, Convertibles only. No trailers or floats. All vehicles must be properly licensed and road safe. No people are allowed on the back of pick-up trucks due to safety reasons.
What kind of vehicle decorations should we have? : Please ensure that all decorations are securely attached to your vehicle. Please include the name of your organization on your vehicle, either as a sign or banner. or have a passenger holding a sign safely out of the window.
Is there a theme? : The theme this year is “Community Spirit”.
What’s the route? : 4 separate routes will travel across the city - hoping to reach as many streets as possible. You will be assigned a route prior to the day. You will follow the lead car within your group, so you dont need to follow a map.
What are the safety guidelines? : Due to health and safety Covid guidelines, 1 driver, 1 passenger and 2 additional people max. within one vehicle. The participants should be of the same family or safe “quarantine group”.
1) This is a family friendly community event. No items will be distributed from any vehicle. Please, no politicking and no pamphleteering for persons or parties.
2) On the APPROACH OF AN EMERGENCY VEHICLE, all vehicles will give way and MOVE TO THE RIGHT as quickly as possible.
3) Stay within your caravan / group until the Drive through ends.